Tips for Social Media

Sure we have all post a political rant or a picture of our friend asleep on the couch with sharpie all over his face; but is that the first impression you want a potential employer to have of you? You might be graduating and looking for your dream job or just trying to land a killer internship. Before you start trying to break into the job market you need to take a look at your social media. Mohamed Abdelhadi has 3 tips for cleaning up your social media.

  1. Employers are looking for responsible employees. You may be proud of how many beers you had before a football game, but that will not land you a job. Look at your profile from a potential employer’s point of view and ask yourself, “Would you hire you?”
  2.  Update your location and job history.  Make sure your bio talks about who you are. Look at your past post and see if anything should really be deleted.
  3.  You are who you associate with. Have a friend that keeps tagging you in long rants about the government or religion?  Might be time to unfollow them. Go through your friends list and check out who is on it.

Keep in mind that employers probably don’t know you when they start looking at your social media.  Mohamed Abdelhadi believes you can never take back a first impression so make sure it is a good one!  (and when you do finally meet, have a great handshake!)

Good luck!

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